We Specialize in Dental Anesthesia for Children and Adults

Pediatric and Adult Sedation

Benefits of Dental Anesthesia (Sleep Dentistry) for Children

•No memory (amnesia) of the dental procedure.

•Completion of all dental treatment in one visit instead of multiple trips to the dentist.

•Less pain afterwards since stronger medicines can be given during the procedure.

•Less fear of future dental treatments.

Common Questions

What is your pediatric experience?

•Dr. Abreu is a medical doctor who is a board certified specialist in anesthesia.

•Having spent the last 6 months of residency doing ONLY pediatric cases helped Dr. Abreu develop the skills to take care for children.

No memory of dental visit
Dental Anesthesia

Pediatric Sedation

•This background has developed the skills needed to make your child feel at ease and comfortable during their anesthesia experience.

How do you tailor anesthesia for children?

•Anesthesia is calculated using each child’s age and weight. This helps deliver the precise amount of medicine needed.

What type of anesthesia will be used?

A light oral sedative given first reduces anxiety. Your child will breathe Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas) at which point an IV will be started so that intravenous medications may be given. Children do NOT remember this part.

What are the side effects?

Prolonged drowsiness/grogginess and in rare instances mild nausea or vomiting may occur. This is usually self limited and not a major concern.

Ready to move forward with sleep dentistry?

Fill out and send in these medical forms and a representative will contact you.

Adult Sedation

Adult Sedation

You know about the importance of regular dental visits, but if a dental phobia is keeping you from enjoying good oral health, it's time to talk to us at Limelight Mobile Sedation.

Sedation dentistry is the perfect choice for those who experience overwhelming dental anxiety because, with a range of options, you'll be completely relaxed and care-free throughout your next dental appointment.

Other Services the Doctor Provides

• Portland Ketamine Clinic - Located in Portland, Oregon Dr. Abreu and his staff provide ketamine infusions to relieve depression, PTSD and chronic pain syndromes such as CRPS/RSD. More information at www.portlandketamineclinic.com